Do you know how to calculate the size of your addition? Here are some tips:
Measure The Dimensions
First, you need to obtain the length and width measurements of each room within the addition. You can get accurate measurements using a tape measure or a laser measuring device. Make sure you round each measurement to the nearest foot after obtaining the results.
Next, you need to multiply the length by the width of each room, to get the square footage. For instance, if a room is 15 feet long and 10 feet wide, then the square footage will be 150 square feet i.e. (15ft x 10ft = 150 sq ft).
Add Up the Square Footage of The Rooms
If you will be adding more than one room, then you need to sum up the square footage of each room to find the total square footage of the addition. You need to sum up the individual square footage if you will be adding multiple rooms. For instance, if there are two rooms whose square footage is 150 square feet and 180 square feet, the total square footage will be 330 square feet.
- Include any Additional Spaces
It is essential to consider other areas like the storage spaces, closets, and hallways that will be part of the addition. Failure to include this in the final calculation can make it difficult to accommodate the missed spaces when the project is complete. Follow the same process we have discussed above to measure the dimensions of any additional spaces and calculate their square footage. The results obtained here should be added to the measurements of the total square footage of the different rooms.
- Account for any Irregular Shapes
In a situation where the home additions have irregular shapes such as triangular or circular areas, consider breaking them down into simpler shapes such as squares or rectangles. Next, calculate the individual square footage of the areas you have simplified and sum up the measurements obtained from the different shapes. Accounting for irregular shapes when calculating the square footage of a house addition helps you avoid surprises or unexpected outcomes when the project gets started or is halfway completed.
- Consider Height Variations
It is also a good idea to consider height variation if the addition will have multiple levels or varying ceiling heights. You need to measure the height of each section or level separately and then multiply it by the square footage obtained in the total square footage that includes any other additional spaces. Taking account of height variations when calculating the square footage of an addition to the house gives you a more accurate representation of the total space you will be working with.
Why You Should Hire a Professional Contractor
Even if you are good at math or you are passionate about DIY projects, it is still a good idea to seek the help of a professional to get everything right. It can be difficult to accurately calculate the square footage of an addition if it is complex in shape. Furthermore, a professional has the necessary tools and experience that guarantee the accuracy of the measurement. Keep in mind that the square footage of an addition affects the cost of permits and taxes. If you don’t acquire the correct measurements, you may end up paying more than you need to. A professional contractor not only helps you to comply with all regulations but also gives you peace of mind knowing that your project will be completed successfully and efficiently.
Following a systematic approach allows you to obtain an accurate estimate of the square footage of an addition. Besides getting the dimensions of each room, it is important to account for any irregularities, additional spaces, and height variations. Consulting a professional can further enhance the precision of these calculations so you don’t overspend on permits and taxes, or incur extra costs on repairs due to improper installation.